Lunch was really good, and full of my favourites - grilled corn, bbq grilled chicken breasts, fluffy yeast rolls, Toodle's Noodles, and boiled potatoes and green beans, with homemade pecan pie for dessert. I ate everything here, other than 1/3 of the corn, plus another piece of chicken and another serving of green beans and potatoes. With 2 bites of pecan pie, this came out to a whopping 731 calories! I definitely didn't need the extra servings, and I probably only really wanted 1/2 the roll.
I was totally grazing, and had a snack of two bites' worth of pecan pie, a tablespoon of crumbled feta, and a serving of roasted turkey deli meat, which came out all together to 189 calories.
We ended up being around when the church's youth group came over for dinner. They ordered pizzas from one of our favourite places, and I just had to have some. I had about 1 1/2 slices' worth of squares for 398 calories.
The day's eats were not the best, but it wasn't the worst, either. I think this is where the learning curve of wellness comes into play. Sure, I could've not had the second helpings at lunch, or pizza for dinner or pie at all, but I can't help it. I have never been one of those people who could pass up food and just not think about it. I actually was treated for an ED when I was younger, and I will do practically anything to avoid a binge, even giving in to my 'cravings'. At the end of the day, I'm calling this a draw. Totalling up to 1574 calories, the eats were mid-range caloriewise, high in protein, low in carbs and mid in the fats department. It could've been better, but it definitely could've been much, much worse. I want to lose weight, but I also want to eat like a normal person, without being so fixated on food all the freakin' time, and worrying about eating too much or too little. Hopefully, this way will get me there!
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