Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Link Love: Finals Edition

Between being thisclose to finals, getting back in the kitchen and work, this week's turning out to be a bit hectic. I have some posts going up (soon!), which will get to the point on some matters, and answer some questions I've been getting, including the many asking what's up with C25K. For now, here are some posts that have really impacted me and made me think. Also, check out my guest post on overcoming a family of dieters over at Mish's awesome blog, Eating Journey.


Overcome Your Fear by Making Friends with Failure - No Meat Athlete

Being Gentle With Yourself, a guest post - Eating Journey

Becoming One Without Doubling In Size - Chasing the Now

Eat Dirty - The Fit Bride

I Took Another Intuitive Eating Step - Confessions of a (Recovering) Compulsive Eater

Five - FitHungryGurl

What If - Medicinal Marzipan


love2eatinpa said...

wow, carly, thanks so much for the shout out!
i'm going over to eating journey right now to read your post!