Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why Not?

Since I'm known for hopping on bandwagons, why not a blog?

I'm a big fan of reading blogs, and thanks to my handy-dandy Google Reader, I can now follow up on all my favourites (and there are a lot of them!). However, I've never had a REAL blog of my own, or at least not one I didn't bore easily of.

I can't promise a post a day - but I can try.

It has been busy around here, you know. In June, I moved from Montreal to Huntington to be with my love, in July we bought Clara, our new-to-us-home, and in August, we got hitched. There's a lot to do - write out the thank you cards from our reception in May, our 2nd shower in July and the wedding itself; unpacking all the boxes and organizing the house; planning renovations and remodels (Clara's an old lady, and will be 90 next year!); finishing up the semi-last leg of immigration paperwork, to be able to do nifty things like get a job and leave the country.

There's also all the travelling we want to do; nothing major as of yet, but a lot of little trips planned, especially to concerts. We love music, and can never pass up the chance to see a good show. Plus, wherever we go, I can bring my camera, and take some great (to me) shots.

With that, I'll leave you with some shots from our mini-moon at The Wine & Jazz Festival at Snowshoe - We had a blast!

The Pocahontas Historical Society Museum - admission was only $2!!!

Outside of the Pocahontas Historical Society Museum.
There were several different varieties of butterflies and bumblebees flitting in, out and around the various blooms planted.
This is one of them.

There is a momma and two babies that we saw bathing in a little random pond on the side of the road.
When I saw them, I made E turn around, so I can run across the road and take this picture.
As soon as I had the shot, they were startled by a car and ran off.

The road home

GPS - a cure and a curse all at the same time

The early morning view of the mountains from our condo -
I believe the farthest mountains are in Virginia

E and I at the Grand Tasting - our favourites were a blackberry Cabernet, and a tawny port.

I love when E takes pictures of me - can't you tell?


Oswald said...
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Jenn said...

love the view from the mountains and welcome to blogging:) can i add u to my blogs i read?

Carly said...


Unknown said...

thanks for sharing your trip with me. The scenery looked incredible. what a wonderful memory to start your married life

HangryPants said...

What pretty pictures! I love the deer.